The live-action adaptation of the classic shonen manga and anime YuYu Hakusho is hitting Netflix on December 14, and the streaming service has given fans some idea of what they can expect in a short teaser video. Live-action adaptations of anime shows are a hit or miss. Some, like Netflix’s Death Note, were generally panned and poorly received, while others like the Rurouni Kenshin movies starring Takeru Satoh and Netflix’s One Piece had managed to win over existing fans and new audiences alike.
As a long-time fan of Yoshihiro Togashi’s YuYu Hakusho, I have witnessed fellow fans dread its arrival after the streaming service published the first posters for the series. Certain actors were a miscast, they said, and even the actors in YuYu Hakusho’s stage production had better costumes and styling. The teaser, however, actually looked pretty good, and fans seem to be hopeful that the show will end up becoming of the better anime adaptations out there.
When Netflix announced the series’ streaming date, it hinted that it will not be an exact copy of the manga and the anime. “The series breathes new life into the story, and fans old and new can expect to encounter their favorite characters in ways that have never been seen before,” it said. The teaser’s too short to reveal most of the changes the show has made, but eagle-eyed viewers might find some in the video below.
This article originally appeared on Engadget at
Source: Engadget